At Filo Mortgage, we provide low rates and a top-notch experience by utilizing user-friendly technology and a transparent application process. We offer around-the-clock support, a wide range of loan options, and an easy-to-use platform. Our mortgages have no lender fees, application fees, or underwriting fees, and most loans can be closed in less than three weeks. We are proud to offer amazingly low rates and full transparency. Get ready for a new mortgage experience with Filo Mortgage.
Loan programs at
- 20-YR FIXED:
- Interest Rate: 5.375%
- APR: 5.511%
- Lender Fees: $0
- 30-YR FIXED:
- Interest Rate: 5.500%
- APR: 5.648%
- Lender Fees: $0
- 15-YR FIXED:
- Interest Rate: 5.25%
- APR: 5.312%
- Lender Fees: $0
- 5-YR ARM:
- Interest Rate: 6.490%
- APR: 6.814%
- Lender Fees: $0
- 30 YR FIXED (VA):
- Interest Rate: 5.25%
- APR: 5.910%
- Lender Fees: $0
- 30 YR FIXED (FHA):
- Interest Rate: 5.25%
- APR: 5.981%
- Lender Fees: $0
Languages spoken at
Filo Mortgage, L.L.C.
Alabama (22877), Arizona (1015780), California (60DBO-106852), Colorado (), Connecticut (ML-1928741), Delaware (034754), Florida (MLD1953), Georgia (1928741), Iowa (2021-0137), Illinois (MB.6761534), Indiana (58644), Kansas (MC.0025722), Louisiana (), Maryland (1928741), Michigan (FL0023224), Minnesota (MN-MO-1928741), North Carolina (L-194696), New Jersey (), Ohio (RM.804739.000), Oregon (1928741), Pennsylvania (78523), South Carolina (MLS - 1928741, MLS - 1928741 OTN #1), Tennessee (224656), Texas (), Utah (12060001), Virginia (MC-7021, MC-7021), Washington (CL-1928741), Wisconsin (1928741BA, 1928741BR)
Contact Lender
555 E. North Lane, Suite 6125, Conshohocken, PA 19428
(800) 4732 951